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Cumin is a flowering plant in the family Apiaceae, native from the east Mediteranian to east India. It seeds, in ground form are used in the cuisine of many different cultures. The flower of cumin is small, white or pink, and borne in umbels. Although the small cumin seed looks rather unassuming, it packs a punch when it comes to flavor, which can be described as penetrating and peppery with slight citrus overtones.
It has since returned to favor in parts of Europe; today it is mostly grown in Iran, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, India, Syria, Mexico, and Chile. The plant occurs as a rare casual in the British Isles, mainly in southern England, but the frequency of its occurrence has declined greatly; according to the Botanical Society of the British Isles' most recent Atlas, there has been only one confirmed record since the year 2000.
There are some benefits for cumin, such as:
1. Iron for Energy and Immune Function: Cumin seeds, whose scientific name is Cuminum cyminum, are a very good source of iron, a mineral that plays many vital roles in the body.
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High Fiber Fruits, Vegetables, and Food

Looking to add more High fiber to your diet? High fiber....along with adequate fluids intake will move quickly and relative easily going through digestive tract, and may helps it function properly. Dietary high fiber, also known as roughage or bulk, is found only in plan product, and these product include fruits, vegetables, and food. Fiber in the diet is important to the body in many ways. It helps the digestive system work properly, promote regularity, prevents/treats constipation and may even decrease the risk of colon and rectal cancer, decrease cholesterol, improve glucose control in diabetes, decresed risk of heart disease, and weight control.
Dietary fiber is the part of a plant which is not digested by the stomach or small intestine. Rather, it arrives unchanged in the colon. There, it does two things: It provides bulk or roughage and thereby helps promote regularity and far more important, many of these fibers are a food and nourishment source for the myriad numbers of bacteria that normally reside in the colon.
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Apple, knows as cleansing food, contain fiber, antioxidants, and fruit flavonoids. The most important of the flavoids contained in apple is quercetin, which has anti inflammatory as well as anti cancer actions. Apple contains vitamin C as well- more so in green apple than in red apple. Apple can also reduce blood cholestrol levels, counter constipation and diarrhea, help joint problems and help prevent disease in general.
Delicious and crunchy apple fruit is one of the most popular fruit favored by health conscious, fitness freaks who believe in “health is wealth”. The antioxidants in apple have many health promoting and disease prevention properties; thus justifying the adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”.
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Peptic Ulcer

Peptic ulcer disease is a common disorder that affects millions of individuals each year, with a major impact on health care cost. Peptic ulcer is an erosion in the mucosa and can occur in any area that is exposed to gastric acid and pepsin, including the lower esophagus, stomach and duodenum. This erosion leaves the underlying layers of cells unprotected and exposed to gastric juices. If a peptic ulcer is located in the stomach it is called a gastric ulcer.
Normal gastric and duodenal mucosa is protected from the digestive actions of acid and pepsin by the secretion of mucus, the production of bicarbonate, the removal of excess acid by normal blood flow, and the rapid renewal and repair of epithelial cell injury. When protective factors are impaired or dimished, acid and pepsin can damage the mucosal lining.
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Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose, the sugar primarily found in milk and dairy product. Lactose intolerance has been recognized for many years as a common problem in many children and most adults throughout the world. Lactose intolerance is caused by the decreased production or absence of the enzyme lactase (beta D galactosidase). Lactose has an important role in human nutrition. It appears to enhance the absorption of several minerals, including calcium, magnesium, and zinc. It also promote the colonic growth of Bifidobacterium and is the sources of galactose, which is an essential nutrient for the formation of cerebral galactolipids.

Common symtoms of lactose intolerance which may range from mild to severe include nausea, cramps, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea. These symptoms of latose intolerance begin about 30 minutes to 2 hours after eating or drinking foods containing lactose. The severity lactose intolerance symptoms depends on many factors, including the amount of lactose a person can tolerate and a person's age, ethnicity, and digestion rate.
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